What is the decibel noise level of Roots blower

The noise level during the operation of Roots blowers varies depending on the model, operating conditions, and environmental differences. Usually, the normal noise level of Roots blowers within a one meter distance is in the range of 80-100 decibels, with some models approaching or reaching 95 decibels, and even some models having noise levels as high as 110 decibels. Potential interference to the surrounding environment and personnel.
In order to effectively reduce the impact of Roots blower noise on the surrounding environment and personnel, multiple noise reduction measures can be taken, such as installing soundproof covers, implementing vibration reduction measures, arranging sound-absorbing materials, installing mufflers, optimizing operating parameters, regularly maintaining the blower, and planning installation locations reasonably. The comprehensive application of these measures can significantly reduce the noise interference of Roots blowers on the surrounding environment and personnel.