Roots blowers are mainly used in sewage treatment to provide aeration, injecting air into the sewage to promote the growth and activity of aerobic microorganisms, thereby accelerating the biological treatment process of sewage. The model of Roots blower required for an aeration tank with a daily processing capacity of 500 tons is not a fixed answer that can be directly given, as the selection needs to consider multiple factors, including the design of the aeration tank, water quality characteristics, treatment efficiency requirements, as well as energy consumption and cost.

Although it is not possible to provide a specific model directly, the required fan air volume can be roughly estimated based on some empirical data and estimation methods. Generally speaking, for domestic sewage treatment, approximately 0.20.5 cubic meters of air per ton of water per day is required for aeration (this value may vary greatly depending on the actual situation). Therefore, for an aeration tank with a daily processing capacity of 500 tons, the total required air volume may be between 100250 cubic meters per hour. However, please note that this is only a very rough estimation range and cannot be directly used for selection.
To accurately select the appropriate Roots blower model, it is recommended to follow these steps:
1. Detailed understanding of the design and operating parameters of the aeration tank, including its size, shape, water depth, and aeration method.
2. Conduct water quality analysis to determine the characteristics and treatment requirements of the wastewater, in order to select a fan that can meet the oxygen demand.
3. Consult with wind turbine manufacturers or water treatment engineers to make selection calculations based on specific circumstances. They can provide detailed selection suggestions and technical support based on your actual needs.
4. When choosing a fan, it is also necessary to consider factors such as the energy efficiency ratio, noise, and maintenance cost of the fan, and comprehensively select the suitable fan model.
In summary, selecting the appropriate Roots blower model for an aeration tank with a daily processing capacity of 500 tons requires comprehensive consideration of multiple factors and detailed calculations and evaluations. Therefore, it is recommended to consult a water treatment engineer or fan manufacturer for accurate selection recommendations.